Hope and Disappointment

Today Straxi and I went for our run in the unbelievably humid air that really, honestly, was only a drop or two of moisture away from an active rainstorm, and as I went through my standard prep for our run (you know the drill: get dressed, drink the coffee, head to the bathroom, ask Straxi if she wants to go for a run, to which the response is always “HELL YES” accompanied by a leap into the air) I discovered that Rich Roll has a new podcast episode out and it was just what I wanted to hear.

Rich, in his most recent episode, has a discussion with a guest that’s a little more inward facing than he normally does, in that he wasn’t interviewing the guest so much as he was ruminating on and discussing how (among other things) his podcast can be more inclusive, and how we can be as responsive to the current moment as possible.

The greatest part of his podcast, in my opinion, was his inclusion in his show notes of this document: Anti-Racism Resources for White People. I’ve already subscribed to a bunch of the podcasts on the list and downloaded what looks/sounds to be a super excellent audiobook (How to be an Anti-Racist, by Ibram X. Kendi).

I was really happy to see that there were so many texts on the list that I was familiar with from my time at TWU in the Women’s Studies program: Patricia Hill Collins’ Black Feminist Thought was one of the texts on the list, as was This Bridge Called My Back by Cherie Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua. (Anzaldua was a really big presence in my grad school education – I was fortunate enough to study under AnaLouise Keating while I was there).

Anyway – this list of readings, podcasts, articles, groups, and websites is something that I think needs to be circulated as widely as we can get it – it’s clear a massive amount of time has gone into the creation and curation of this list, and there are so many invaluable resources on it – I’m so thankful that Rich shared it.