I am a horrible procrastinator. I feel like such a hypocrite when I tell my students chirpily to just “get started thinking about that paper now!” or some such crap....
This morning I woke up thinking I had two classes to teach today, just like every other Tuesday. What I didn’t know was that today was a “floating day off”...
Straxi and I both seem to have managed to injure ourselves: I injured myself sitting on the sofa (old age is full of indignities like this) and Straxi injured herself...
Every time I’m running in the woods with Straxi, I think about how slack I have been with this blog. Let me update you. This summer has, indeed, been heinous....
Yesterday I had an appointment with the foot doctor for yet another shot in my foot. I was gathering my things, getting ready to go, and I mentioned to my...
Well, I went back for my checkup and to be fitted for my inserts. I’m another month away from resuming my running. I’m worried that Straxi doesn’t understand that I’m...