Why is it so hard to make friends when you’re an adult? (Ok, an alleged adult, fine. Point taken). My last real friends I made (and I define “real” in...
This morning I woke up thinking I had two classes to teach today, just like every other Tuesday. What I didn’t know was that today was a “floating day off”...
Just like the pop culture podcast from NPR, I want to think about some things that are making me happy right now, in no particular order of importance. Well, except...
I’m devastated by the loss of RBG. It seems right now that it’s just one good whack after another, right across the face, all day, every day. The Trump presidency...
I saw a t-shirt the other day that said “I would like to unsubscribe from this year” and oh boy is that the truth. Sometimes I wonder how much stress...
I just turned in my grades for one of my two summer classes. I will officially be on “summer break” (insert hysterical laughter here) on 7/22ish after I submit grades...